Looking for customers in your local area?
We can help. We organize local marketing campaigns geared towards specific areas and regions. Using local directories and search engines, we custom tailor marketing campaigns based on your target audience. Our local SEM services are designed to help consumers find your business.
We market your local business online so you don’t have to…
Online marketing for local business. At Costa Web Kings, that’s what we do. It’s our mission to help you get more local customers. With our smart technology and sharp professionals, we have the services you need to get the results you want. We do it all so you can focus on what you do best – running your business. We’ll help you.
Website Audit
Insightful audits that help you understand what work needs to be done and what the website can rank for. Our comprehensive site audit maximizes the effects of our methodology.
Local Business Set Up
We claim and set up your local listings in the top online business listing sites. By providing updated business information through these listings, we make it easier for your market to find you.
Website optimization
Starting with your website, we will optimize all key aspects of its targeted pages. Our optimization process ensures your website will be ready to rank once we begin our off-page marketing efforts.
Rich Google Listings
We’ll advise you on how to get the best listing you can in the search results pages. These types of listings get more clicks because of the dynamic information.
Citation building & link development
We develop & publish content with the user in mind. Your company will be published on high authority websites that help build quality backlinks, rank and create great PR.
Content Marketing
We’ll start getting the word out about your business quickly. In Month 1 we do things like Press Releases, Magazine Features, and Social Sharing.
Reporting and Strategy
Our live dashboard always has up to date traffic information and search result rankings. You can log in at any time, or get a comprehensive PDF report showing rankings and traffic.
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